2006-02-11 02:43:14 UTC
Sorry, this got sent before I was done.
Other than those two big issues, I like the update. But please, please
think of us who don't have a vid card that can do per pixel (my old laptop
here), and let us have decreased performance if we desire. Thanks guys.
Other than those two big issues, I like the update. But please, please
think of us who don't have a vid card that can do per pixel (my old laptop
here), and let us have decreased performance if we desire. Thanks guys.
First off, lest I seem ungrateful, thanks for the update for WindowFX.
But there are some serious problems I have with it, and I desparately hope
they can be addressed.
First off
-Shadows: For some reason I cannot enable shadows at all. My guess is
because my video card doesn't support per pixel alpha transparency.
However, with constant alpha blending I have been happily using shadows
ever since I purchased my Object Desktop subscription a couple of years
ago. If I cannot enable this because of the lack of per pixel, please
reconsider and allow us to at least have the same capabilities we have
with the current beta. Since shadows are the main reason I use WindowFX,
I either won't be updating or will be hunting down a copy of Yz shadow to
use instead.
-Taskbar previews: Totally cool idea, but totally useless for those of us
who like our taskbar on the top of the screen, as the previews show up in
the ether of off screen space. Again, it would be great to have them drop
below the taskbar
But there are some serious problems I have with it, and I desparately hope
they can be addressed.
First off
-Shadows: For some reason I cannot enable shadows at all. My guess is
because my video card doesn't support per pixel alpha transparency.
However, with constant alpha blending I have been happily using shadows
ever since I purchased my Object Desktop subscription a couple of years
ago. If I cannot enable this because of the lack of per pixel, please
reconsider and allow us to at least have the same capabilities we have
with the current beta. Since shadows are the main reason I use WindowFX,
I either won't be updating or will be hunting down a copy of Yz shadow to
use instead.
-Taskbar previews: Totally cool idea, but totally useless for those of us
who like our taskbar on the top of the screen, as the previews show up in
the ether of off screen space. Again, it would be great to have them drop
below the taskbar